About Us
Westlawn Youth Network is a registered 501c3 charitable organization and is the youth arm of Westlawn Gospel Chapel.

To provide opportunities for local youth to develop mentally, physically, spiritually, socially and culturally.
When we look at Jesus' life, we see that He developed as a whole person. In the Gospel of Luke 2:52 we read, "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." Inspired by Jesus life, WYN programs as a whole are designed to develop young people in 5 key areas: Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Cultural

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each of them with cane in hand because of their age. The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there." Zechariah 8:4-5
Similar to Zechariah's vision,
Westlawn Youth Network envisions...
a healthy community that is in right relationship with God and each other, where all children have the opportunity to become the person God intends them to be.
In 1957, Westlawn Gospel Chapel was planted in North Lawndale, a westside Chicago neighborhood, fully in the throes of an ethnic upheaval known as "white flight." From 1950 -1960 the community changed from white to black. Businesses and services left almost entirely by the 70's. The 80's brought a book about the neighborhood entitled, "America's Milestone - An Examination of the Permanent Under-class" by the Chicago Tribune. And finally, by the 90's, Lawndale was considered one of the forgotten inner city neighborhoods of Chicago.
Throughout these decades of upheaval and change, Westlawn Gospel Chapel continued as a lighthouse and signpost for the Kingdom of God! Starting with neighborhood bible studies then expanding to Awana Programs, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and summer camp. Westlawn Gospel Chapel developed these programs into a comprehensive youth ministry called Westlawn Youth Network.
We are so grateful for all of the support we have recieved over the years! Through prayers and resources, many have become a part of what God has done and continues to do here on the westside of Chicago! After 20 years of serving together, we are more excited than ever to look to the future with our staff, comprised of veteran, new, and neighborhood youth leaders! We hope you will enjoy the new WYN website which will better communicate what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how you can continue to partner with us! Blessings to you from all of us here in the city and neighborhood we call home, North Lawndale.